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I want to start off by asking what it is that makes you content. High school is such an odd time. People change and often spend time trying to "find themselves". I've spent a lot of time observing the different acts that we may put in place to be content. Whether it be drinking, sleeping around, doing drugs ect, I've seen it all. There are also other ways to look for contentment you may not usually think about; looking through relationships, excessive sleeping, binge watching Netflix and more. I have tried to find contentment in earthly things. And take my word for it, it can't be found. Earlier this year I wasn't spending the time with God I should have been, and I was trying to be happy. I was the girl looking for a relationship to make me feel better. I wanted a friend to make me feel better, a boyfriend to lean on. But no matter how great friends are they can't make you content. First let me say that about a year ago my mother passed away. So to help you understand why I was searching to be so happy is because I was very upset. I was in a time where I felt crying out to God wasn't enough. I wanted someone to talk to (Because you know, people have the same powers God has and they can make you feel better but God can't? NOT!). I was foolish, looking for a person to make me content other that the one man, one friend, one relationship that never fails. After searching and searching and never being happily content I realized what God was doing. God knew I was looking in the wrong places and ultimately I did too. I tried to guard myself from God telling me "no" to relationships. Yet I was in the midst of tricking myself because I would pray it was what God wanted for me, and then go for it. Not even giving myself a chance to listen to what God had to say. I was after the immediate feeling of being content. Not the eternal one. Well then God started doing that thing. You know what I'm talking about. Where he is telling you something but you don't listen. So he MAKES you listen. Like when you're so upset about something and then the next day Pinterest is throwing bible verses at you and Facebook is shoving inspirational videos in your face. Yeah, you aren't the only one God does that to. I was finally hearing what God was telling me, reading verses from the Bible pointing me in the right direction because I was stuck. And deep down I knew what God wanted from me. He wanted me. And he wants you too. Maybe you're in a place in your life where nothing is going right. Your friendships are failing or your boyfriend isn't being a Godly man. Well there is a relationship that costs you nothing, but cost Jesus everything. And that's the one place you aren't looking hard enough for full contentment. Or maybe you are locking yourself away in your room. Hiding and distracting yourself. Maybe you are using alcohol to fog reality. Maybe you are hoping intimacy will make you feel better. But... maybe there's someone who died so you could come to him and have him comfort you. Since I have started looking fully at God for contentment I cannot even express how much happier I have been. I want to encourage you to meditate on this verse because it really helped me. Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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