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Prioritizing (It's Not All About You)


Life tends to get busy. For me, I have countless AP classes, never ending homework, Lieutenant Governor duties, presidential duties, volunteer obligations, and a part time job. On top of all of that, I try to make time for myself to prevent becoming overwhelmed. Prioritizing is essential to get everything done.

When one prioritizes, they think about what is most important to them. Grades or hobbies? Family or social life? They choose the things that matter most to them and make it a priority while putting everything else on the back burner. Prioritization is one of those qualities that is needed in life. But if not used wisely, it could cause a lot of damage.

We have the tendency to get so caught up in our busy lives, we forget about the most important thing; God. I am a strong believer in setting aside time everyday to spend one-on-one quality time with Him. Anything from prayer, studying, or worshiping, it is so important to make that time with Him happen.

Lots of people, myself included, use their busy schedule to excuse themselves from building their relationship with God. We claim that God is the most important thing in our lives, yet when we prioritize, we put Him on the back-burner. That's pretty much saying, "God you're important to me, but I have other things going on right now that need more attention than you. Sorry not sorry."


If God really is the most important thing in our lives, we must stop neglecting Him. We wouldn't neglect our friends, children, or spouses when life gets busy, so why are we doing it to God?

It's time to take a step back from ourselves. Not everything is about us. When you really think about it, ignoring God to get other things done makes us incredibly selfish and self-absorbed. God sent His son to die in our place. Jesus was brutally beaten and tortured for the sole reason of our salvation. And here we are too focused on ourselves, not even bothering to give Him the time of day.

If we want to shine our light, we need to prioritize God. He is the fuel we need to burn brightly. When you make God the most important thing in your life, you will begin to see His blessings. You will grow spiritually and you will feel at the peace knowing that since you chose God, there is nothing in this life that can hold you back.

I'm not saying it will be easy. There will be days when we get caught up in life. There will be days when we forget. And there will be days when we just don't care. But it's about time that we put in more effort. It's the least He deserves.

Besides, who wouldn't want to spend more time with the God who loves you more than anything?

With much love,


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